Testimonial: AICS

Testimonial: Australian Islamic College of Sydney (AICS)
Student's Feedback
by Amna Khan (6B Maths Group)
There are many great reasons why Koobits is a really good learning software. I personally enjoy and recommend Koobits rather than the mathematics platform we are using now. Some of the reasons why I really like Koobits is that it is more attractive and engaging, gives you a higher chance of understanding the lesson in a broader way and gets you excited about the different ways you can learn and understand the topic and makes learning Maths a lot more fun.
The first reason why I recommend Koobits is that Koobits is a whole lot more attractive and engaging. The learning software not only includes homework and set tasks. It also allows users to have access to the Brain Games for 25 minutes from 8am to 6pm each day. The Brain Games are not like normal games that you play for fun, they require attention, flexibility, the ability to solve hard questions within a time period which I think takes learning Maths to a more engaging and fun level. Koobits has a variety of games you can choose from that require mathematical skills. I personally like the colours and the setting of Koobits because the colours that are used in are bright and more attractive and the layout of the software itself is fairly simple so you know where which activity is. Also, Koobits informs you of what you are going to do when you select a specific part where as the other Maths platform assumes that you know what is going on when you actually don’t.

My second reason why I enjoy Koobits is that it gives you a higher chance of learning and understanding the topic/lesson in a broader way. To do this, Koobits has another portion called Self Practice which allows students to view videos of a skill and to do the practice of it. As well as that, they are arranged into grade levels so that younger students don’t mix up with the older students work and the videos that you watch are actually related to the question which I think is massive bonus.
The last reason I really recommend Koobits is that is more fun and exciting to work with. Some things that I find really fun about Koobits is that it includes a portion called ‘Challenges’ where you can daily challenges to earn CP (Challenge Points), you could challenge a fellow peer in the ‘Peer Challenge’ (even your teacher if you want) and it also has a Sunday Mini Challenge that you can only do on a Sunday and if you do it and get it correct you get a whopping 20CP to add to your tally! And if you thought that was hectic, Koobits also includes LEADERBOARDS! There is a leader board for ‘Hero of the day’ where whoever gets the higher number of the CP in a day comes first and so on (the highest number you can get on a standard day is 17). It also includes a ‘Top Brain’ leader board which works as whoever get the highest accumulated CP in a week is first and so on. There is something other than that which is equally amazing. That is that if you reach 200CP, you become a SUPERHERO and you get to do other challenges which some of your peers may not be able to do. I think the inclusion of these activities definitely gets a student pumped up and dedicated to being No. 1 on any of these leader boards which I think is really helpful.
In conclusion, I strongly agree and prefer that Koobits is a better learning software for student of all ages as it is more attractive and engaging, gives you bigger and better chance of understanding the topic or lesson in a broader way and just having straight up fun whilst doing probably the least favourite subject choice for many students.
Teacher's Feedback
by Mr. Adam (Grade 1 teacher)
I believe Koobits is a fantastic tool for so many reasons.
Firstly, the teacher has an amazing amount of control over homework. They can select different types of questions and can stream homework difficulty to different groups as required.
Additionally, you can reset the same topic with different questions. I can set my lower ability group more simple questions and I can set my extension group only difficult questions and all on the same topic. This function alone makes it worthwhile, but it doesn’t stop there!
Furthermore – if parents want extra homework Koobits set automatic homework! Makes life easier for the educator and allows parents to further work with their child if desired. And if the child doesn’t have access to a computer or the internet it is literally a click away to print the homework!
In the classroom I am able to easily embed literacy and mathematics through the StoryMath activity. This is something I am enjoying reading with my class and the children and I are having lots of fun trying to solve the problems presented in the book.
Every day I would present problems for the children to solve in the morning. I no longer have to create these problems as Koobits has daily challenges. I go through a few of these questions with the children every day and explain how to solve the problems. They love this and get to work with peers to try and solve the problems before solving them independently at home.
The other function in the challenges that my children love is the peer challenge. I actively challenge the children and they get so excited to verse their friends in a friendly competition. This encourages participation and good sportsmanship. We also go through the leader board each day and compete with the other classes to have the class with the most challenge points.
The superhero challenges are a fantastic idea as well. When my students make it to superhero status they get to stand in front of the class, make a super hero pose and receive a round of applause by everybody else. Now all of my children want to make super hero status so are working hard at home on their maths. Previously I had to fight and remind to have my children do mathletics homework, now my children are running home to try and do their mathematics.
The Brain game are lots of fun and the best part is the limits. The children cannot play to long and cannot play outside of 8am to 6pm.
To reiterate, my children, my parents and I are massive fans of the Koobits program. The homework control alone is enough for me to encourage the widespread inclusion of the Koobits program across Primary classes. Adding to the homework control is all of the extra features such as daily challenges, story maths, brain games, peer challenges, super hero challenges, leader boards showing class and individual performances. These extra things have my children so excited to do mathematics both in the classroom and at home. I have one child who cannot access the internet at home and he is reminding me to print his homework just so he can do it too.
by Mr Smith (Grade 1 Teacher)
The Koobits platform … is engaging for students and is directly in-line with the content that we are teaching. The fact that it also gives students clear worked examples of similar questions is a great advantage if students are having trouble at home. It allows for differentiation of content to cater for the levels of all students through the allocation of easy, medium and difficult questions. The students have responded well to the program and actively said they would rather Koobits to …. . As a teacher it has been easy to use in terms of setting homework and other tasks.
Parent's Feedback
Compared to other similar things my child has been using, it’s 12 out of 10. 🙂
Few Positives:
-Self-practice part is a fantastic idea with tutorials
-Loved the time counting part of any exercise -varieties of math topics with repetitive exercise
-Challenging with Classmates gives a positive competition for kids
Negative (in a positive way) 🙂
– It’s addictive
– Can’t get my child out of it till she gets the hero of the day title. 🙂
Thanks for the opportunity. Please keep continuing with Koobits till you can find a better one. 🙂 Hope it will be open for the holiday period for time to time practice, if kids want.