KooBits Australia
Introducing KooBits® ProblemSums. It is a highly personalised maths platform for learning mathematics, powered by Big Data technology and a healthy dose of gamification.

We’ve just arrived in Australia and are the real deal when it comes to Singapore math. Take a closer look at why Singapore maths is so successful in the world. As mentioned in earlier pages, Singapore math is used in a lot of countries globally.
Currently, we are based in Perth and that makes us sandgropers.:). KooBits Australia is run by a qualified Australian school teacher & we know how it works for Australia. Why? We run live classes as part of a trial and results look promising.
For teachers: KooBits works as hard as you do and really saves you lesson preparation time. With a glance, you will know the students’ progress in detail. No more guessing if they have done their work or not! Set work according to students’ proficiency level. Differentiated learning DONE, from student level to entire school.

Going into a more granular level reveals more details such as

You can set homework, monitor logins and the system automatically marks for you. Monthly reports are generated automatically and the days of racking your brain thinking of comments are now over.
That’s all not. On the pedagogy side of things, you’ve got heaps of lesson videos.

And virtual manipulatives such as these. No more sorting out and hunting for pieces in plastic bags.

Your professional well being is a priority. We can even conduct in-house PD sessions and they all count towards getting those hours in for teacher board registrations.
For parents: We know how busy you are. With KooBits, we give you the power of choice. Replace traditional tutoring with a trusted math online portal that works. No more hunting around for qualified math tutors or rushing to after-school math tuition classes. Or simply complement face to face tutoring with KooBits. Monitor your kid’s progress easily at all times and keep them occupied over the school holidays.
We guarantee that if your child follows our system, he/she will improve. Not only that, because the KooBits portal is designed specially for learning, their motivation levels will increase as well according to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs.

If they feel motivated, then the problem of studying is almost solved. You don’t have to keep pushing your kids anymore! Last but not least, Koo Bits prepare your kids for NAPLAN online.
For students: We know everyone wants to improve and rest assured that you will definitely improve if you follow our system. We get the fact that you are totally 21st century and learn in ways that are different from your parents. Do you like cool maths games? We’ve got stacks of them.

Hate learning alone? Invite your friends along. Participate in various challenges. Go up the leaderboards and unlock virtual badges. Get rewarded with CP points to play games.

It’s not just games though. We’ve got educational videos such as

And practice questions for topic mastery. If you make a mistake, the software explains the steps for you. How awesome is that!

There is even a page for higher ability questions. Perfect for preparing for ICAS, AMT competitions.

Too many students think math is hard. We think otherwise. With KooBits, math can be FUN and EASY.
If you have any questions, fill in this web form!