Climate Action Schools
Climate Action Schools
- 10 month, school-wide climate education learning experience
- Grade Levels: K-12
- Certifications: Certified Climate Action Educator, Certified School Climate Coordinator, Certified Climate Action School
- Community of Practice for Educators and School Coordinators
- Guided schoolwide data collection and data visualization (carbon), school-to-school international virtual exchanges, school assembly and home/community communications, schoolwide climate project, tree planting experience
- Monthly communications from supporting school for parents and community

Imagine a world in which young people across seven continents connect virtually and solve one of the world’s most pressing challenges: Climate Change.
The Climate Action Schools Program is a paid, year-long project allowing schools, districts, and networks with students ages 5-18 to collaborate at local and global levels on environmental topics.
Over the course of the project, classrooms explore the causes and effects of climate change, develop solutions, and take action as a school community.